Not-A-Stegasaurus Found in Chile

New dinosaur discovered in Chile reinforces how little we know about the prehistoric world.

Knowing so little about dinosaurs puts paleontologists at a disadvantage, but with advances in science their work has been getting easier. Some of those new techniques were employed to redesignate a dinosaur whose fossilized remains were found in Chile.

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Babies and Bathwater. Which to Throw Out?

Space junk postpones a repair to the ISS, but is there a bigger problem?

The ‘babies’ are of course two astronauts, Tom Marshburn (61) and Kayla Barron (34), who had to delay a spacewalk to replace a damaged antenna on the International Space Station. They were originally scheduled for Tuesday, November 30th but had to wait until Thursday, December 2nd. The delay was the first of its kind, but not one that humanity should be very proud of. Dangerous space junk, which could puncture the astronaut’s suits, menaced the mission forcing a halt. Dirty bathwater indeed.

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Old Movie Review: Shrek (2001)

Misery doesn’t love company because things aren’t always what they seem. Deus ex dragon.

Side note: this particular review structure is borrowed from The Cereal Show, a podcast made by some friends of mine you should definitely check out.

“Misery doesn’t love company because things aren’t always what they seem. Deus ex dragon.”

(my tagline)
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Jehovah’s Witnesses Move Annual Convention Online

Jehovah’s Witnesses unite globally to stream the 2020 Convention “Always Rejoice!”

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jehovah’s Witnesses globally have moved their large annual conventions online. Across the globe, in hundreds of languages simultaneously, Jehovah’s Witnesses will be attending the program virtually.

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Oh Walmart

Limiting human interaction is bad for your mental health, wearing masks a good for your physical health.

Sometimes you do things that are really dumb and then you redeem yourself with something incredibly smart.

Last month Walmart announced it was going to remove all cashiers from its Fayetteville store #359 as a test. Now this month they are going to require all patrons to wear facemasks before entering the store.

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A Printer Reborn…later

Old printers must die so that new printers can get stronger … or something like that.

About a decade or so ago consumer color laser printers were a mystical device existing only in your imagination. Now there is common as the lowly inkjet. I’ve had an old workhorse in service since 2011 myself. It was a fancy one at the time, but compared to today is rather mundane. It is time for me to decide though. More toner or a new printer. Right now the printer has decided for me.

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Who Wins? Who Loses? The Post Office?

How can the best and most reliable federal agency lose so much money?

I am not personally a fan of the throw-away culture that has developed in the world. The willingness to spend more money on a quality long-lasting item has been replaced by the desire to get something for as little money as possible. This means that manufacturers meet that demand for low-cost products, by making them cheap. To be more precise, I don’t mean they manufacture them at a low cost, I mean they are made with poor materials, and with poor designs. Cheap quality.

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I Have So Many Questions

So we’re looting alligators now? How did we get here?

Manhattan Kansas is known for being the home of K-State but was full of mystery and intrigue this month. According to the Manhattan Mercury, this is the rough timeline of events including theft, 911 calls, government intervention, a hunt, and a disastrous end fitting for a man from down under.

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Neutrality and Morality

Having a moral opinion does not equal having a political opinion.

Neutrality is a concept foreign to many ears. It seems unthinkable that a person could not have an opinion on a matter. That someone could be neither for nor against it. It is widely viewed that silence equals acceptance, however, the funny thing about silence on a matter is that people on both sides treat you as if you are ‘for’ the other side.

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Off the Menu?

A step in the right direction? A giant leap forward? Too little too late? Only time will tell.

As an animal you may never had heard of before now, let me introduce you to the pangolin. They are known for two distinct characteristics. They are the only mammal with scales, and they are the most highly trafficked endangered animal in the world.

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