I’m sorry

When it comes to your family we shouldn’t say “man up and admit your mistakes”, we should say “dad up and apologize for them.”

It either has already happened to you, or you forgot about it. Being wrong and getting mad at someone else over it. Maybe it was directions that didn’t get followed because you forgot to give them. Maybe it was following the directions you gave that turned out to be bad from the start. No matter what the situation everyone gets to be wrong. Things get out of hand when you’re wrong and you are mad at someone else for it. Like yelling at the foreman because you smashed your thumb with your hammer.

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Neutrality and Morality

Having a moral opinion does not equal having a political opinion.

Neutrality is a concept foreign to many ears. It seems unthinkable that a person could not have an opinion on a matter. That someone could be neither for nor against it. It is widely viewed that silence equals acceptance, however, the funny thing about silence on a matter is that people on both sides treat you as if you are ‘for’ the other side.

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If You Cast, Fish Will Come

Patience is taught by being patient.

Picture yourself heading out to your favorite fishing hole. You’ve kept your spot a secret from everyone, but now it is time to bring your next generation in. You quietly sneak through the brush to the water’s edge and set your cooler and two chairs down in the small clearing. It’s their first time out, so you cast for them: vrizz, plop. Then you cast out yourself: vrizz, plop. Okay everyone is ready. You’re just about to sit yourself down in your chair to enjoy the quiet of the lake. “Dad, can you cast me out again?”

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Off the Menu?

A step in the right direction? A giant leap forward? Too little too late? Only time will tell.

As an animal you may never had heard of before now, let me introduce you to the pangolin. They are known for two distinct characteristics. They are the only mammal with scales, and they are the most highly trafficked endangered animal in the world.

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Back to the Pits

Whatever happened to America’s favorite dog?

Lets talk about America’s Dog. What? “America’s Dog”? Yes, beginning in the 1900’s the Pit Bull was the mascot of America. It was prized for it loyalty and friendliness. You could find pit bulls emblazoned everywhere, even to sell war bonds. Let’s list some famous ones. “Sergeant Stubby” the most decorated dog in WWI, guess what. Pit bull. “Nipper” the cute dog from the RCA advertisements. Pit bull. How about “Petey” from the Little Rascals. Pit bull. “Chance” from Homeward Bound. Pit bull.

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